Me and The White Shadow
Frightening Experience
That time, I was 9 years old,
exactly when I sat in 3rd grade in elementary school. I had a frightening
experience at that young age.
One night, there was an event in
front of my house. So my parents were busy to prepare that event. I used that
time to walk around the house’s complex with my friends who were my neighbor
When the time showed 22:00 PM, I
saw something weird, at the corner of the old house without occupant. In my
eyesight, there was white shadow, like human. It had no face or something .
then, I whispered my friends who stand behind me about that shadow. But, when I
turned around, the shadow was gone. I shouted loud and closed my eyes long
enough. My friends were panic too.
After that, I opened my eyes, then
what? I heard something bad, like a girl’s slow voice.then I ran out of the
area. After that, I told to my parents, but they told me back, that it was just
a suggestion.
couldn’t sleep soundly, that night. My mind still imagined that white shadow. I
won’t forget that moment.
: Andre Nugraha Pramadhana
Yup! Cerita di atas di buat oleh
seorang siswa kelas X.1 dari SMA Bakti Mulya (BM) di kawasan Lebak Bulus. Siswa
tersebut bernama “Andre Nugraha Pramadhana”. Doi tuh sodaranya temen deket gue,
Letkol (Ulan).
Jadi si Andre ini sekolah di SMA BM
ngambil akselerasi. Dapet informasi dari Letkol, waktu doi ngambil raport
smesteran kemaren, doi dapet juara 1 di kelas. Nggak kebayang gimana pinternya si
Andre ini. Udah akselerasi, juara 1 pula. MasyaAllah.
Dari tingkat ke-kepo-an gue yang selalu membabi buta kalo udah ngomongin
Andre, gue dapet informasi ternyata kerjaannya doi di rumah itu cuma belajar,
belajar, dan belajar. Mulai dari bangun tidur, megang buku, abis mandi, megang
buku, selesai sarapan sambil nungguin supir, megang buku, di mobil, megang
buku, di sekolah, apalagi! Ntah kenapa gue pun ikut bangga sama Andre, walaupun
cuma temen deket dari sodaranya, walaupun cuma sedetik aja ga pernah ketemu
langsung sama Andre.
Udah satu taun setengah kenal sama
Letkol ini, gue selalu usaha buat nyari tau apa aja tentang Andre. Tapi sayang…
setiap kali gue minta kasih tau nama twitter ato fbnya Andre apa, letkol ga
pernah ngasih tau. Sedikit pun. Ya emang karna dia juga gatau sih._.
Terus gimana bisa lo tau cerita di
atas itu punya Andre? Ngeliat batang idungnya aja ga pernah!?? Cerita di atas
itu di dapet dari tugas sekolahnya Andre, udah di nilai. Kertasnya tergeletak
gitu aja di meja, dan akhirnya di ambil letkol, terus di kasih buat gue. Mhehehe.
Dan cuma foto ini yang bisa gambarin gimana wujudnya si anak BM yang ngambil akselerasi itu.
Andre waktu beberapa taun yang lalu.
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